For some reason, Morgan thinks my fuzzy head is just about the most exciting thing in the world right now. This is a video of him going crazy during the "fuzzy head game". Of course, this is the third or fourth time we've played the game so he's not nearly as excited as he was the first time but it's still hilarious.
We thought we'd post a few catch-up posts to get some pictures up that everyone hasn't seen yet. These are from last weekend. First, Grandma Griffin and Aunt Kate came over and stayed Friday and Saturday. Then Grandma Motz came over and stayed Sunday and Monday.
Morgan is five months old today so we tooks some photos and a video to document his progress. He continues to eat more cereal and his coordination is improving.
Here it is. We had some trouble with our video program this week so it's a little late but never fear. We didn't get any pictures so I'm sorry for all you that can't watch the videos.
The Griffin Chronicles is a compilation of photos, video, and text recording the events that take place in the family of Matthew and Ashleigh Griffin. It was started in December of 2005 after the birth of our first child, Morgan.