Viola's baptism today was a very beautiful service. She wore the christening gown I wore when I was dedicated as a baby. Papa Wes and GG were with us to celebrate. Viola was pretty surprised when the water ran over her face, but she only cried for a minute.
Matt dropped us off in Abilene last Friday on his way to SXSW in Austin. We stayed until the following Thursday. The kids enjoyed trips to the park, zoo, and McDonald's. They also spent lots of time chalking on the back porch, jumping on the trampoline, and playing in the garage on the two rainy days we had.
Here they are in the zoo sign And here I am with them We brought a picnic along
The monkeys always put on a show. It won't be long until they are all three drawing. Viola enjoyed a little time outside too. Memaw read an Easter story, then Morgan drew this.
Viola turned 2 months old on Saturday. Although she's no Emma, her sleep habits have improved tremendously and her schedule is more stable. And she has entered the "happy phase", smiling and cooing a lot. Here are two recent videos of her for your enjoyment.
This is the section of the children's catechism we are currently working on. They are learning it really well. Of course, since I was attempting to video, they were sillier than ever. Hopefully you can understand a little of what they are saying.
Q. 31. What was the sin of our first parents? A. Eating the forbidden fruit.
Q. 32. Who tempted them to this sin? A. The devil tempted Eve, and she gave the fruit to Adam.
Q. 33. What befell our first parents when they had sinned? A. Instead of being holy and happy, they became sinful and miserable.
Q. 34. Did Adam act for himself alone in the covenant of works? A. No; he represented all his posterity.
Q. 35. What effect had the sin of Adam on all mankind? A. All mankind are born in a state of sin and misery.
Q. 36. What is that sinful nature which we inherit from Adam called? A. Original sin.
Q. 37. What does every sin deserve? A. The wrath and curse of God.
Q. 38. Can any one go to heaven with this sinful nature? A. No; our hearts must be changed before we can be fit for heaven.
Q. 39. What is a change of heart called? A. Regeneration.
Q. 40. Who can change a sinner's heart? A. The Holy Spirit alone.
Q. 41. Can any one be saved through the covenant of works? A. None can be saved through the covenant of works.
Q. 42. Why can none be saved through the covenant of works? A. Because all have broken it, and are condemned by it
Q. 43. With whom did God the Father make the covenant of grace? A. With Christ, his eternal Son.
Work began today on our garden for this year. The kids helped Matt prepare the compost mix and fill the garden boxes. They also planted potatoes and carrots. Over the next few weeks, they will be planting much more. Zucchini, cantaloupe, watermelon, jalapeno peppers, okra, corn, and tomatoes are some of the things we plan to try this year.
We enjoyed a very short visit from the Griffin grandparents this past weekend. They came in late Friday night and left early Sunday morning. On Saturday, while Viola and I went to a baby shower, they went with Matt and the kids to Clear Springs Cafe. Or is that Cold Springs? Cool Rivers? Anyway, it's a Griffin favorite. On Saturday night, they watched Morgan & Emma while we attempted a movie date with Viola. She shut us down so we headed back home to watch Back to the Future together.
Viola is the fattest baby ever... ...and just as happy as our other two were.
It's hard to believe she's only 7 weeks old. Here she is in the famous cradle.
The Griffin Chronicles is a compilation of photos, video, and text recording the events that take place in the family of Matthew and Ashleigh Griffin. It was started in December of 2005 after the birth of our first child, Morgan.