At noon, I took Emma in to get her portrait made. This also turned out to be a major ordeal. Emma wasn't sure whether to be freaked out or amused by the proceedings. She played "noodle legs", refusing to stand, trying to escape, sucking her finger, crawling to me, anything but posing and smiling. To make matters worse, the photographer was in training. On more than one occasion, the other photographer and I would get Emma to cooperate only to have her say, "Wait, which button?" Seriously. Finally the other guy took over. It's a miracle that we got the shots we did.
After dinner we had a little family party. Emma looked sweet in her birthday crown and bib. She had her first cake and ice cream. She opened 3 gifts from us- a Care Bear, a My Little Pony, and a Little People castle set. Yeah, we kind of went retro on the gifts. The Care Bear seems to be her favorite while Morgan has taken to the castle set! The played together with the new things until bedtime.
Birthday Breakfast
Birthday Bath (after "the incident")
Mama & Emma
Emma got lots of calls; here she is talking to Grandma Motz
Emma loves to cuddle her Care Bear
She was fascinated by her cake...
and pleased with the taste.
Morgan reaped the benefits too.
Here they are enjoying her gifts. Morgan thinks they're his of course...
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