Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Catch Up

Time to play catch up. I don't think we've ever gone this long without posting! So I'm now going to throw a random assortment of photos out for your enjoyment. First, just a cute shot of Emma, toting Morgan's plastic bowie knife as she so often does. Then a shot of our garage sale on August 2nd, because we're actually dorky enough to photograph a garage sale. Finally, a set of photos from our weekend in Abilene. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera for all the fun things we did like the Children's museum, Mary's ice cream, and zoo. So you'll just have to be content with a few of the kids wandering about the yard.

While Morgan helped with the grill...

Emma wandered towards the "back forty".

Here she is in hot pursuit of the cat...

And now she's subdued her prey.

Watching the Olympics with Pepaw.

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