Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Weekend Projects, Etc.

Last weekend we began cleaning out the sheds and garage in preparation for the remodeling project we hope will shortly commence. We both spent a lot of time going through childhood keepsakes and other stuff, and the kids had a great time dressing up and playing with our old stuff. Morgan is currently obsessed with the "Kitty Surprise" mama cat and kittens I had as a little girl, and Emma is in possession of one of my baby dolls, assorted beanie babies, and a Raggedy Ann.
Also in this post I've included pics of the kids walking on Matt's back, which for some reason provides them endless enjoyment. And if you're wondering what Morgan is wearing, don't even bother. He has been throwing together some bizarre outfits lately.

This is a costume from a ballet recital I did at age 5.

And I'm sure we all remember Indian dress-up day in Mrs. Nail's class.

Me with my stuff...

Matt with his.

Morgan is actually wearing Raggedy Ann's apron and a dress-up skirt as "hair".

Emma tries to walk on Morgan's back too.

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