Monday, December 12, 2011

Morgan Turns Six

Morgan is six years old now! It doesn't feel right at all to say that. It's also the anniversary of this blog, by the way. We started it in the pre-facebook days when it was the only way to keep grandparents up to date. Now we maintain it mostly as a family record and to generate the highly anticipated blog books that we give out each Christmas.
On Morgan's birthday morning, I was horribly sick. But I managed to make beer bread– his favorite– with some help from Matt. We greeted him in bed with a "happy birthday" song, he opened his gifts from us & Grandma Motz, and we ate breakfast together. At lunchtime, Matt took the kids to Morgan's birthday lunch at Mr. Gatti's. We had planned to do his party on the 10th, but had to reschedule due to my lingering sickness. Hopefully we will party on the 17th– more pics to come!

The birthday boy surrounded by his loot– and the beer bread.

This is a crazy looking bunch right here.

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