Monday, April 15, 2013

Final Things...

I can't believe I don't have pictures, but last Thursday night the Waltons hosted a little surprise party in our honor. We headed over for dinner with them and found the Williams, Joneses, and Smiths waiting for us! It was a really sweet time with special friends. On Friday we picked the kids up from being with grandparents all week. On Saturday we went for a final visit to the Coopers' house. Morgan & Emma got to play with Bennett & Kate, their good friends from AWANA last year. Bennett and Morgan always put on a show for the adults whenever they get together. On Sunday we had our last fellowship meal at Providence. It was picnic on the church grounds, complete with face painting for the kids. So much fun!

 saying good-bye is hard to do...
 Our last fellowship meal at Porvidence

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