Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Griffin Family at the Odessa TEA Party

Today we exercised our right to assemble by participating in a TEA Party at the Odessa City Hall. Morgan was at school but Emma was there with us waving an American flag and a sign that said "Government Spending is Stealing my Future." Ashleigh listened to the speakers and kept Emma company while I circled the crowd with the video camera. We wanted to make sure the event was well documented. We were very pleased with the turnout—I'd say a good 500+ at the start of the rally. Though the TEA Party this Saturday at the Midland Vietnam War Memorial should make this one look look like a warm-up.

1 comment:

Tea Pea said...

Wow, alot of anger and fury at these rallys.

Anywho, here's a website dedicated to the Tea Party movement;

The TeaParty Chronicles

Lots of photos, video, and comentary can be found here for those who are interested in this social movement.